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You Can't Be Agile If Your Code Sucks by Peter Gfader

Noble Member Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 620
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Special thanks to Zühlke for sponsoring the venue and food!

### Agenda
6:30pm - Food and drinks
7:00pm - Talk starts
8:00pm - Q&A

## Abstract
Our industry has a problem: We are not lacking software methodologies, programming languages, tools or frameworks but we need great software engineers.

Great software engineer teams build quality-in and deliver great software on a regular basis. The technical excellence of those engineers will help you escape the "Waterfall sandwich" and make your organization a little more agile, from the inception of an idea till they go live.

I will talk about my experiences from the last 15 years, including small software delivery teams until big financial institutions.

Why would a company like to be "agile"?
How can a company achieve that?
How can you achieve Technical Excellence in your software teams?
What developer skills are more important than languages, methods or frameworks?

This will be an interactive session with a Q&A at the end.

## About Peter
Peter hates bad products. So, he joined scrum.org and Zühlke, where he works with people, teams and organisations to try to improve the software engineering profession. The drive for improvement (and the smell of coffee) gets him out of bed in the morning. Peter is on a journey to make everyone happy. If he isn’t riding a mountain bike or playing the trumpet, you might find him at a local user group, hanging out with other nerds!

